Posts Tagged Breakfast

A Proper Breakfast

The idea of breaking fast excites me. Knowing that I need to eat after holding out for 6-8 hours is enough reason to fuss over a meal. Which is why I don’t understand how some people choose to skip the most important meal of the day. They must be starving by noon! Also, it is a fact that the lack of energy and calories slow down one’s metabolism. So folks, eat your breakfast!

Every weekend, I look forward to making a proper breakfast because I have the luxury of time. Mike and I used to head to the weekend market to get his favorite forest ham sandwich but I soon figured that I could make the same meal for much less. Yes, I take pride in my frugality. I’ve found that The Swiss Deli’s Smoked Farmer’s Ham is quite identical from the one at the market. Once armed with the right kind of ham, all you need is a fresh baguette, tomatoes, lettuce, cheese and your choice of condiments. We always put mustard and Mike piles on the horseradish. The result is always a healthy and hearty breakfast.

I’ve also been getting into the habit of making breakfast smoothies. It’s a great way to start the work day and is definitely a full meal in itself. This smoothie keeps me full until lunch, which is great since I’m trying to avoid mid-day snacks. Flavors vary depending on the available fruits but I usually like using bananas, frozen blueberries or strawberries. I add milk, yogurt, some OJ and about 1/4 cup of old fashioned oats to give me my daily dose of fiber. Don’t be afraid of the oatmeal as you really won’t taste it in the smoothie. I used to just have this for dinner and lost a good amount of weight. 🙂

So treat yourself to a great breakfast. You’ll be surprised at how it can make a difference in your day.

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Whole Wheat Muffins

Whole Wheat Orange Spice Muffins

Whole Wheat Orange Spice Muffins

In about two weeks, I turn the big three-oh and the best gift I can think of giving myself (and I know this will sound cheesy) is the gift of health. Four birthdays ago I promised myself that I would be in my best shape, that I would attain my ideal weight and be healthy. I remember beginning a program and losing a bit of weight but was never able to sustain it.  Smoking, drinking and being careless about my food intake caused me to gain a substantial amount of weight and I did not look good. I was far from being at my prime.

Three months ago, as an attempt to remove inches from our waists, my co teachers and I decided to start our own version of The Biggest Loser.  I knew the only way to shed the pounds was for me to be more active (and reduce beer intake), so I hopped on the treadmill and I told myself to run. Three months and 2 races later, I’ve managed to drop almost 10 pounds off of my weight. Blame it on the serotonin induced by a 7k run but I have never felt better about myself.

my Healthy Options purchase

my Healthy Options purchase

So along with my new lifestyle are healthier recipes, such as this: Whole Wheat Orange Spice Muffins (c/o Pinch My Salt).  I deiced to make a batch of these when Mister M and I were window-shopping at Healthy Options where I found a pack of whole-wheat flour.

pumpkin spice, lemon and orange zest and ground rolled oats

pumpkin spice, lemon and orange zest and ground rolled oats

There were a couple of ingredients that I didn’t have in my kitchen such as the ground flax seeds and pumpkin pie spice. Thankfully, the online recipe that I found included the steps on how to make pumpkin spice. The flax seeds I substituted with ground rolled oats. I also added some lemon zest to the recipe to give it more of a citrus flavor.

I absolutely loved this recipe! The muffins were very dense, flavorful, and most of all, healthy – a great breakfast especially for those who are on the go. Have one of these every day and you’re sure to get your daily dose of fiber.


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