Archive for May, 2010

Post Long Run

My Sundays are now usually spent waking up very early in the morning to meet my training group for our scheduled long runs. The runs are always challenging and most of the time, fun but what I look forward to the most are the post run gatherings.

It has sort of become a habit to assemble by our cars where we hydrate, eat and exchange silly anecdotes while enjoying our endorphin highs.  The conversations that take place during these times always  leave us laughing in stitches.  It’s always a riot.

I used to say that I had enough friends to last me a lifetime but after meeting these people, I’ve decided that I have room for a few more. 🙂

This morning, I brought strawberry banana oatmeal muffins for the girls.

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A Pound Cake Transformation

It was love at first bite for this pound cake recipe and I. This cake is how I know pound cakes should be – moist, dense, with just the right amount of decadence from the butter. I was out to have a long-term relationship with this one.

When I was new to this recipe, I had managed to sabotage it in many inexplicable ways, turning the cake into a rubbery texture or simply burning the cake.  Now that I have learned to master the recipe, I’ve become more confident in altering the recipe, thus the idea of a marble cake.

fresh out of the oven

I figured that the recipe for a marble cake couldn’t be that far from a pound cake so I read several recipes online and took my inspiration from this.  It seemed like all I needed to do was take about 1/4 of the pound cake batter and add 1/4 of unsweetened cocoa powder to it. It’s that simple.  Once I had my chocolate batter, all I needed to do was incorporate it into my pound cake batter, making sure that I wasn’t completely mixing the two. Remember, the goal is to make swirls of chocolate in the cake. I was afraid of over-mixing the batter and only gave it one mix, which was apparently not enough.

The result was still a beautiful cake with most of the chocolate on the bottom (no swirls were made).  The cocoa powder made the cake even more dense that I would save the chocolate bite for last.  I always use a 10′ bundt pan for this recipe which yields a very large cake.  It’s a good thing this cake tastes better as the days go by so you have a good excuse not to eat it all in one day.

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