Posts Tagged Julie and Julia

Who is your Julia Child?

Julie and JuliaI was right. I absolutely loved the movie Julie and Julia. It was exactly what I needed after an exhausting week of checking papers and calculating grades. The movie was an engaging narrative about how two people’s lives are affected by their love for cooking. It is expected that all foodies will gravitate towards this movie and will come out with a new affinity for both characters.

I especially felt a strange likeness to Julie, who of course, had a food blog and a restlessness that I also possess.  It was quite funny to see her meltdowns after failing at several recipes (metaphor for life?). What a familiar feeling, I thought.  As for Julia Child, I never really realized what an inspiring person she was. Her brave choices in life and wonderful relationship with her husband has left me fascinated and wanting to learn more about her.

Paul and Julia Child

Paul and Julia Child

Watching this movie has also made me think, “Who is my Julia Child?” Who inspired and taught me how to cook? My mom would actually be the obvious answer, but inasmuch as I did learn a lot from her, I turned to someone else when I decided that it was time to learn how to properly cook abodo. I turned to someone who spoke to me through a poorly printed and plain looking cookbook – Nora Daza.  Nora Daza’s Let’s Cook with Nora changed my kitchen life which is why I will reserve an entire post/s just for that.

.my ever reliable copy of Let's Cook with Nora

So, who is your Julia Child?

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Julie and Julia

I bet all foodies everywhere are looking forward to seeing this movie. I know I am 🙂

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